Nice buildup
I think it's a great piece. Very well orchestrated. The piano would need some work, but I like the whole buildup and the epicness that it brings. Keep it up!
Nice buildup
I think it's a great piece. Very well orchestrated. The piano would need some work, but I like the whole buildup and the epicness that it brings. Keep it up!
The final frontier?
While I was reading the description, I had imagined something darker and moody. And you now surprise me with this voyage through space that is colorful, hopeful and beautiful. Great composition. Very well done!
Thank you for the positive review, Nekoprism! I personally feel that you described the journey quite well. :)
Very heartfelt
Very nie composition. Love the progression troughout the piece. I'm a sucker for piano so I'm imagining some great piano line to go with it. But really great work. Keep it up!
If you love piano, I hope that you'll check out some more of my submissions here. I use it in nearly everything I do at least a little. Thanks again for a great review!
Good stuff man. Makes me want to make more music... and believe me I will.
Which I had something bad to say but I just love it.
Very well done so far
I love it man...
I don't know what you're going to add to it, but so far it's fine for me.
But! If you want me to be fussy, here are my comments:
In the beginning and at 2:15 the panning effect is a bit too quick and lacks subtlety for the mood of the song.
I found the intro part a bit long. I love the idea of slowly bringing the melody around 1:16, but it takes a while to get there...
I love the quieter part around 2:20. I could loop that part forever... soo smooth and comforting... but then... it kicks in and it's wow! From there the song is at it's best moment.
I know this is probably not your official ending, but I'm not sure about were you are heading from there.
Looking forward to see the rest... keep me posted.
Yay fussy :3
I'll look into changing the panning effect so that it pans...slower? Maybe I'll just lessen the amount of panning. We'll see. :]
The intro is long because the whole song will be indeed long. :D
I'll be making more on this today probably.
Thanks for the feedback!!
Can't stop listening to it...
First off, I've been listening to this song on loop while we were screwing around on the IRC and I can'T stop it... it's really good.
Now here's for my review.
I love the smoothness of the whole piece. Especially the part around 1:20. It's strange the feeling I have while listening to it. It's a feeling of epicness yet it's sad AND hopeful too. It's like there's a whole story in this piece.
I'm never too technical in my reviews 'cause like you saw I'm not to prone on technic... But i'd like to say I really like your transition between the first and second part when you fade the percs. And like Chron say, your glitch in the end of the 2nd part is nice, but I'm not sure it has it'S place there... unless you had more through the song.
I wish the end was building up to something too... But the way it is is not bad either. I think that it leaves a feeling of continuation... like the story isn't over.
All in all... I love it. Good job... I'll be sure to check more of your work and review it.
I've been told that my music tends to tell a story. That's pretty wild that you see it too. :P
Again, the glitch thing was experimental, heck it wasn't even a 'glitch', it's just the Fast LP in the Master being automated. :P
I'll probably be making an extended version of this song once I finish the Gerudo Valley remix.
Thanks for the awesome review!
Good Start
Yeah... From a WIP POV I think it's a very good start.
It's hard for me to make any suggestions though because I don'T really know where you want to go with it... Will it build up into something epic or stay smooth and quiet? Because for now I think it could be both. It's weird because here and there I kind of think of the Rurouni Kenshin OVA soundtrack when I listen to hit. It carries a lot of sadness, but in the end, you could give it hope or maybe make it even sadder.
You really have the kind of instrument mix I love; flutes, piano, strings... be careful though... 'cause I think that now the strings are a little bit overwhelming... but I know it's all in progress.
For percs... maybe some taito drums... because it really has that japanese feeling to it... And to add to it, maybe trade the piano sound for something like a koto and it would be awesome... But that's me... =)
Anyway... hope that helps... come by and see my stuff if you have a sec...
For sure =) I'll check your stuff out here in a bit! Thanks for the review and i feel that this review will help very much. The song is deffenatly still a WIP =). Jesse did the main strings and i just added most other stuff to it but we're working to change it up a bit and take the strings out a bit more rather then the whole song revolving around them. Thanks for the review.
Good job!
I really liked the feeling your song carried. It felt like a evening at the court with ladies and gentlemen dancing those bizarre dance they were having... =P
Could easily be the background music of a town in a RPG too!
Is it just me or your bassdrum is clipping?
Haha, so this song got you thinking of some baroque-ish ball? Quite interesting. ;D I suppose it really would be good for an RPG, as quite a few people have already contacted me about using it for such purposes. Still waiting on the submissions to be finished, though. ;D And yes, the low-end drum does clip a bit, I noticed it only after I submitted the song and didn't really feel like changing it. Just might do it sometime soon.
Thanks for the review!
Feels like the intro to a Call of Duty or Medal of Honor with that military feel.
Feels like it's going to be a long walk... a long and perilous journey.
It's sad, dark, yet... we feel hope! Great mood.
Good job!
That is definitely the feel I was going for. Inistially I wanted it to be a splash screen of a post-apoc game. The visual I had was a man walking down the road with broken down tanks and such, along with an m16 in his hand.
I love that mood
Loved it.
Love the percussions, strings and humming choir in the back. Those humming reminded my a lot of the Crimson Tides soundtrack... but it's just a feeling. It's a really ambient piece and I wish it would have built up somehow... But all in all I really enjoyed it!
PS: What's with the score?!?!? Ah Zerobombers... gotta love them...
Probably due to the slow intro, who knows. I don't really care if I get 0 bombed. To each their own.
Actually it kinda does have a Crimson Tide feel to it. More like CT meets MGS.
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Age 46, Male
Joined on 1/29/09